Friday, May 14, 2010

What is your next step on the journey?

"...I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God…"

- 2 Timothy 1:6

At times we can be overwhelmed by the life change implications of the call of Jesus…. There is no way around it; the impact of the Gospel is huge. But we are called to faithfully take the next steps.

Whether we are investigating who Jesus is, or have been a Christian for a long time, we are called to ask ourselves (and be asked by others on the journey): "What is your next step?" As we faithfully live out our answer, we ask each other and ourselves again how we can fan the flame anew.

1 comment:

Passionpen said...

Hmm...I like that. "What is your next step?" What is my next step? Thinking of tomorrow... Thanks for this post.