Sunday, July 19, 2009

So Somebody Asks You for Money as You Get Off the Highway

A small group of folks decided to come together and participate in a summer book club. They are currently reading "Justice in the 'burbs" by Will and Lisa Samson, and have been discussing ways to follow Christ and live out the Biblical call of justice whilst residing in the suburbs of Tampa. Here is how one member, Brenda, envisioned ministering to those who daily stand near the highway on and off ramps, often asking for money.

"I have put together some bags to give away when I see someone who's homeless. Too often I have wrestled with the idea of giving money to someone who might, in my mind, make bad choices with the money. I wondered if there was another way I could help. So, I got some food items that don't need refrigeration and put them in gallon plastic bags. I keep them in my car, so when I see someone, I can give it to them. If they are hungry, then their needs are met. I think we all wrestle with a judgmental attitude, and this helps me remember that Jesus said "When you do this to the least of these, you do it to me". I'll take those words as my call from the Lord and let Him work in the lives of the others."

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Under Construction

We are revamping our blog. We want to lift up some of our stories many that are currently under construction. Living Stones Church is a network of small faith communities of Christ following friends and families in Tampa Bay. We want to share some of what God is doing in our midst. So not only the pastors of Living Stones Church will be blogging, but others Christ followers will be contributing as well. God makes it clear that no matter of education our title, are all asked to follow him with our whole heart. Stay tuned for some stories of responding to God’s love and grace.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Sorry it's been a while since we have blogged!

Has it been a while since we have connected? There are a lot new things happening in our midst. We would love to share with you what is new, not only through this blog but in person as well. Here are some of the highlights:

New Home Church in Wesley Chapel!

We have a new home church now meeting in the Meadow Pointe Community of Wesley Chapel, Sundays at 5pm. The start of our new group has renewed the Saturday New Tampa Home Church as well. So it is almost like having two new home churches. Both communities share the same passions of loving God and loving others but since each home church is made up of different people, they each have unique personalities. So if it has been a while since you stopped by, come join us again and find the right house church for you.

We regularly have gatherings to help those in both home churches stay connected to one another. Recent gatherings have included outings at Bruster's Ice Cream, swimming & BBQ, and weekly prayer, Lutz 4th of July and Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-fil-A. Some outdoor adventures, are being planned!