Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Re-gifting Love for Christmas

Like many others this holiday season, the Living Stones Family sent Christmas cards, attended "white elephants" and hosted delicious dessert get togethers. Amidst all that activity, however, we continue to look for ways to celebrate Jesus and his birth, which is easily overlooked with all the other common seasonal festivities. How do you celebrate God’s extravagant gift of love? Our family found it best to re-gift. We re-gift God’s gift to us; Jesus: His love, shown in the form of a servant. So off to a group foster home we went on Christmas Day to celebrate the birth of our King. And what better way to celebrate a birthday but with a classic ice cream party?

So armed with 15 gallons of ice cream and all the fixings: cones, a choice of sprinkles, caramel and whipped cream, we aimed to flesh out God’s love to others. Because that’s what Christmas--this Christmas, as well as that first Christmas--is all about, putting flesh on love.

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